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UX UI Design Salaries in 2023

The field of UX UI design is growing rapidly, and with it, the salaries for UX UI designers. In 2023, UX UI designers can expect to earn an average salary of £45,000 per year in the United Kingdom, according to Glassdoor. However, salaries can vary depending on experience, location, and industry.


As with most industries, experience is a major factor in determining salary for UX UI designers. Entry-level UX UI designers can expect to earn an average salary of £39,000 per year. With more experience, salaries can increase significantly. Mid-level UX UI designers can expect to earn an average salary of £50,000 per year, while senior UX UI designers can earn an average salary of £55,000 per year.



Location is another factor that can affect salary for UX UI designers. In general, salaries are higher in major cities than in smaller towns or rural areas. For example, UX UI designers in London can expect to earn an average salary of £60,000 per year, while UX UI designers in Manchester can expect to earn an average salary of £42,000 per year.


The industry in which a UX UI designer works can also affect salary. For example, UX UI designers who work in the technology industry tend to earn higher salaries than those who work in other industries. In 2023, the average salary for a UX UI designer in the technology industry is £52,000 per year.


Salary Trends

Salaries for UX UI designers are expected to continue to grow in the coming years. The demand for UX UI designers is expected to increase as more and more businesses focus on creating user-friendly products and services. In addition, the rise of mobile devices and the increasing popularity of online shopping are creating new opportunities for UX UI designers.


If you are interested in a career in UX UI design, you can expect to earn a good salary. With experience, location, and industry, you can significantly increase your earning potential. So if you are creative, have a good eye for design, and are interested in helping people, then a career in UX UI design may be a great fit for you.
